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Julia R. Berkley Works in Fabric

"Midsummer's Daydream II" by Julia R Berkley, Fabric Collage
I'm essentially a collage artist who uses fabric as her medium. But if I tell you I'm a fabric collage artist you're likely to picture something very different. I use adhesives, rather than stitching, and my images are somewhat abstract, based on natural elements.

So far my art has been well-received locally, with many pieces commissioned for area hospitals. This has been a good fit because while I intend my art to have an unexpected nature to it, at the same time it's soothing and uplifting.

I hope to connect with others working with fiber in interesting ways, and to learn from their paths, both in terms of process and marketing.

Artist's Statement:  I create my collages out of my love of color, texture, and the rich possibilities fabric brings to design. In celebration of the beauty around us, I choose forms that refer to nature, and play with their shapes and colors until something new emerges. People don’t generally expect to find textiles framed in glass, as many of my collages are, yet I enjoy how framing highlights the painterly quality of fabric.

Fabric collage allows surface decoration to inspire vision, and texture to define details. I hope to make art that brings a rush of familiarity and pleasure at the same time it evokes something unexpected and unique in the viewer's mind.

"It's a Jungle Down There!" by Julia R. Berkley, Fabric Collage

Location:  Maynard, Massachusetts, USA
Online shop:
Blog: Sticking to Art!
Other Social Media:
   Women's Caucus for the Arts (Central MA, Boston, and National)
   Concord Art Association
   LinkedIn: Visual Artists and their Advocates
Languages spoken: English

Sell Art Online

Tags:  assemblage, collage, movement, color, natural forms, batik, framed art


  1. Welcome to TAFA Julia, your work is fabulous! I'm located in Massachusetts too :)

  2. Hi, Sue -- good to be here!


“Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction,- a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse”
-Henry David Thoreau

In our case, it would be the needle or other fiber tool. Drive it home! And, we all thank you for your words, left here to these good folks. Invoke your Muse!


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